1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 – part 2 of 2

My Notes on the book of 1 Thessalonians. – Chapter 2 continued

Let’s jump into verse 6 “Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ”. Paul had true motives; he wasn’t looking for prestige or honor. He had one goal in mind: to present the gospel to as many people as possible before his life would be gone. Remember what Paul wrote to the Philippians he said “to live is Christ and to die is gain,” Philippians 1:21. Meaning, as we live on this earth, we are to live as Christ followers. When our life on earth is over, we will be in the presence of Jesus, which is far superior to living in this world.

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Paul goes on and writes that he loves these people so much. He cares for them as a mother cares for her children. How much clearer can he get? The love of a mother is immense for their children. Paul wants the best for them. Paul not only shares the gospel with the church of Thessalonica, but he shares his very life with them. He was bonded with them. Let me note that Paul was preaching the gospel to them two years ago from when he wrote this letter. He didn’t come with a 7-point plan, and he didn’t have note cards. He didn’t have a band play before he came and shared a word. He had his passion for Jesus the Messiah. Paul shared from the heart; Paul shared from his experience on the road to Damascus. Paul shared from the Torah, and Paul shared from the disciples and their experiences with Jesus. Paul did not come with lofty speech or wisdom, 1 Corinthians 2:1. Paul came with a heart and mind that loved these people. Even to love them so much as death threats were pouring in for Paul’s head.

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As we look over verse 9, we have some powerful truth. Paul was a missionary; yes, Paul may have received some love funds. People may have supported Paul financially. But Paul did not count on this. Paul was a tentmaker. You will find this in Acts chapter 18. Paul says in verse 9 that “we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you” – Did Paul sleep? Hard to say. I imagine being a tentmaker was a difficult job. He worked night and day making tents, and when he wasn’t making tents, he was preaching and teaching. This guy had energy. His passion for Jesus was what made him tic. Does Jesus make you tic? 

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Paul ends this chapter with a word of encouragement. “We also thank God constantly for you” Verse 13. He goes on and says the church of Thessalonica received the word of God, not the word of man, but the word of God. Paul can’t make somebody or someone believe. God created us to have freedom. It is our choice whether we choose Jesus or not. If you do not know who Jesus is or what he has done for you, I would encourage you to read the Book of John. It’s the 4th Book in the New Testament. Don’t close your mind to Jesus without reading and taking the time to learn about Him. He is our savior from this dark world

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One last thing about the end of the chapter, Paul is telling the Thessalonians that they have endured exactly what the Jews for Jesus have endured and suffered through in Judea, whippings, stoning, prison, and being hated. And still, this church remains faithful, and it’s growing! You can see why Paul is so overjoyed. Paul knows what they are going through, and he has and will continue to be hated throughout the rest of his life.

As Christians, let us have the mindset that God loved us first when we were in the depths of our sin and vileness. Jesus died for you; Jesus died for you before you said yes to Him. Will you believe in Him? Will you put your faith in Him?

Stay tuned for chapter 3!

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